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Make yourself a priority in your life, without costing your family more time and money. 

"I feel more ALIVE than I have in years. I feel like I know who I am, and how to make decisions that feel good for me, and not just for everyone else." 
- Monica, Coaching Client

1:1 Coaching

One-on-one sessions allow us to dive right into the heart of the matter.

We're able to apply the concepts that I teach directly to YOUR life.


Having a bad day? â€‹


Unsure about what you want from life?


Feeling like you don't have the time to do the things you really want to do?


Not really sure who you are anymore? 


Let's talk... 






90-Days to Confidence

"Me Time" is a 90-day group coaching program for women who are in the thick of a chapter of life that has them wondering,

"who am I?" 


Maybe you're in the thick of mothering young children, or caring for your own parents. Maybe you're transitioning through divorce or becoming an empty nester...


Wherever you're at in your journey - if you're feeling like you've lost track of who you are, if your confidence is on shaky ground and you're ready to do something about - you're in the right place...


Over the course of 90-days you will:


  • Discover who you are! Reconnect with yourself - body, mind, and soul.


  • Discover how being Strategically Selfish allows you to feel more joyful, fulfilled, and nourished without taking more time away from your family. 


  • Have deeper connections in your relationships. 


  • Feel safe and supported in the sisterhood of our group. 



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©2024 by Robin Angela Baglietto
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