I am often asked, 'when I’m going to do something like a face steam or a 'sacred soak’ what do I do?!?'
Only you can answer that question. What part of your body is calling for attention? Does your body ache, does your face feel a little dry, has your hair been feeling brittle – sit with your self for a minute, and just ask, what do you need from me? Follow your intuition. You don’t have to do every one of the ideas I have below. Pick what feels right for you, right now. Next week, it may be something different. The only thing I will strongly suggest is that you do at least one of these things once per week. I chose Sunday this week, and that’s what has inspired this post. But next week, who knows, maybe I’ll do something on Thursday morning. Give yourself flexibility and grace, but show up for yourself every week. It’s a game changer.
Here are a few of my favorite ways to care for my body and mind.
Body Care

Baths are my favorite way to take care of the body. If you’re muscles are aching, your skin feels dry, or you just feel disconnected from your body in general, this is the ideal self care practice.
The ingredients to add to your bath are endless (salts, milks, herbs, essential oils, body oils, crystals, candles, etc.). Whatever you choose to add should meet your current needs. The primary being to connect with your self, and to care for the area(s) of your being that feel depleted. Rub your legs, run your hands across your belly, rub your feet. Bring attention to areas often neglected, touch them with care, love, and gratitude. Breathe deeply.
Oils are a great addition to a bath. You can add a body oil or aromatherapy blend directly to the bath. Personally, I find that applying oil to your body prior to entering the bath is simply transcending. Choose an oil with an aromatherapy blend that makes you feel lovely and loved, uplifted and relaxed. Give yourself a little massage as you apply the oil to your body, then slowly submerge into the bath. Your skin will feel so sleek and nourished, and it invites the touch and connection I described above.
Favorite Ingredients
Here are a few of my favorite bath ingredients. Again, depending on my current needs I’ll usually make a few selections from this list:

· Salts: Epsom salt, dead sea salt, extra fine sea salt
· Powdered Milk (goats or cows milk)
· Clay: green clay, white clay
· Herbs: lavender, roses, chamomile, calendula
· Oils: Goddess Oil, Serenity Oil, Vata balancing oil, CBD,
· Aromatherapy: Pure Essential Oils: geranium, rose, lavender, chamomile, frankincense, peppermint (no more than 2-3 drops). Aromatherapy Blends: Goddess of Love, Healing Heart.
· Crystals: amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, clear quartz, selenite, tigers eye, carnelian, moonstone, garnet, K2.
· Accessories: white sage, palo santo, candles, Himalayan salt rock, intention candles, cedar smudge stick, audio meditations/affirmation, music, Gaia tv.
Face Care
As with baths, the ways to care for the face are endless (face steam, exfoliation, masks, oils, rollers, etc.). Determine what your needs are, and go from there. Regardless of the way you chose to treat the skin, make this a meditative experience. Put on some relaxing music, listen to affirmations, whatever feels right for you. Allow your actions to be a representation of love and care for yourself, make it an experience. As you apply the ingredients to your face, give the areas of need or neglect extra love and healing energy.

My favorite face care regiment is as follows:
Use a variety of herbs and essences to address your skin and emotional needs. This can be a very meditative experience, so chose ingredients that will not only care for the skin, but also help you clear your mind, dream, and feel inspired. I typically use Basic’s Face Steam, but on the go a green tea bag and a few drops of lavender and frankincense essential oils is a beautiful blend.
Do not use salt to exfoliate. The structure of salt is very harsh against the delicate skin of the face. I prefer sugar, or making a mask with milk or clay. If you're using sugar, use very gentle pressure - the skin of the face and neck is very delicate, and the sugar grains are plenty exfoliating without much pressure. Be gentle with yourself.
Masks are a wonderful way to nourish the skin. If your skin is extra dry, I recommend including a dairy product (milk or yogurt) as it helps to exfoliate the skin. If you’re treating acne, clay is great for pulling out impurities and reducing redness. If you’re treating redness and inflammation clay is also a great option, as is avocado, chamomile infused jojoba oil (as found in Basic Goddess Oil). For greasy skin, clay is helpful and so is egg white.
After the skin is rinsed and pat dry from the above treatments, I apply a gentle oil that will lock-in moisture and the experience. Avoid a moisturizer with alcohol. Use a light, pure oil that will hydrate and nourish the skin. I typically use Basic Goddess Oil, but on the go pure avocado oil or grapeseed oil with a few drops of lavender does the trick.
Mind Care

“Where the mind goes, the body follows” This is something I’ve been saying for years, because I completely believe its true. Perception is powerful, whatever you think and believe will become true for you. If you believe you’re beautiful, sexy, and worthy of love and admiration – you will act that way, and you’ll discover that other people will treat you that way too.
Wherever your mind goes repetedly, will become your physical reality. So what are you thinking about? I often see that most people only want to give themselves some TLC when things aren’t looking or feeling great. Rarely do we care for ourselves simply for the sake of caring for ourselves. If you’re approaching this practice of self care out of fear, insecurity, or even detest for your being – this practice may not free you from those feelings. When you approach this practice from a place of love and gratitude for your being – your whole life will change. Show up for yourself because you deserve it, not because something needs to be fixed. You are worthy of love, especially from yourself.
As you spend time with yourself doing these practices I invite you to spend time with your inner self. Feed yourself positive affirmations, meditate on your dreams and desires, and raise your vibration. Making this a weekly practice will have a profound impact on your life.
Enjoy, my love. You. Deserve. It.
With love and gratitude,
Robin Angela